Some people stand and look at the sky. Others reach out and touch it.
"My name is Lynn Armstrong. Lynear Thinking came to life in 1996 when I was asked to create a blue sky presentation for a corporate event. From 1996 to 2011, I was fortunate to have the best job in the world, working with executive leadership teams, establishing and leading their companies up the hill of vision. Coming into the corporate sector with a degree in Journalism and Communications from the University of Regina, my job was to shape and communicate what the executive and board could see so that others could see it too. Vision is the most powerful thing. But even more powerful is sharing a vision. My career evolved from communications, to policy analysis, corporate planning, risk management, and executive leadership. In 2011 I officially formed Lynear Thinking, working in various sectors including the credit union system, post secondary, non profit and health care, as a senior consultant, with a focus on business architecture, analysis and transformation.

To be in an instigator for positive change, through leadership, inspiration and example.

I envision a place where CEO stands for creative, entrepreneurial and optimistic;
Where there is no "no", only how;
Where innovation and creativity is celebrated, acknowledged and embraced;
Where inspiration is the breath of life.